Miracle-Gro Garden Pro Bloom Booster - 1 Lb Miracle-Gro Garden Pro Bloom Booster is ideal for annuals, perennials, and plants that are in containers or window boxes. I t promotes big plants and big beautiful blooms by containing high phosphorus. It will work instantly and feed plants through the soil zone of the roots and foliar leaves. Perfect for use with Miracle-Gro Garden Feeder. When used as directed, plants will not burn. Active Ingredient: Total Nitrogen - 15% Available Phosphate - 30% Soluble Potash - 15% Use: For all flowering annuals and perennials Application: OUTDOOR PLANTS: Miracle-Gro Garden Feeder: One feeder packet in the Miracle-Gro Garden Feeder covers 500 sq. ft. in about 12 minutes Watering Can: 1 tbsp. of Miracle-Gro for every gallon of water INDOOR PLANTS: 1 tsp. (not tablespoon) per gallon of water Feed plants this special formulation every 7 to 14 days before and during bud-set and bloom 1 tablespoon per gallon of water covers 10 sq. ft. Read label for complete application directions.